Social Media

Social Media: Analytics You Can Use to Boost Your Page’s Performance

Web designers can use a variety of tools that track how people use a website, how often they visit certain…

Facebook Advertising: Advanced Techniques to Get You Started

Facebook and other forms of social media are exceptionally valuable advertising tools if they are used wisely. A large number…

Who is winning the 2013 Australian Election in Social Media?

  Just under 3 years ago we wrote about who was winning the 2010 Australian Election based on Social Media. We…

Press Release Writing for SEO

A press release is a written statement about a product, service or event. It is an essential part of public…

Facebook and Its Effect on SEO

It is estimated that more than 750 million people visit Facebook every month. Today individuals, small and medium size organizations,coporates…

Twitter Trends – How to track what is happening right now!

What is happening right now on Twitter? How can you track interesting stories that are breaking across the globe? Here…

Empire Avenue – Social Media Mavens unite?

{EAV_BLOG_VER:453d4dad6b286364} So we have just stumbled across Empire Avenue, a type of social networking/stock market. It bills itself as a…

Wanted: Your Business Story

Do you have a great business you want to tell the world about? Do you have a great business story,…

Is Facebook Losing User Attention?

Facebook appears to have had fewer monthly active users at the start of June than at the start of May…

5 Tips to using Social Media Networking

Whether you are a small business, mid-sized business or a large corporation you must be in the middle of the…

A Guide to Marketing Videos

Did you know that You Tube gets over 3 BILLION views every day? Wow! Imagine what you can do with…

Basic Guide to Social Media

Social Media is fairly new to the world of marketing and has tremendous amount of potential for taking advantage of…