
Google Panda Questionnaire

SEO MOZ has got a great post on the things you should be asking yourself, and your readers, regarding the quality…

Google+ to hit 20 million users – Should Facebook be worried?

2.2 million people joined Google+ in the last 24 hours. By the weekend, it is expected that 20 million Google+…

Google+; Why leave Facebook?

Google+ launched in direct competition to Facebook. So what makes it better? Better Privacy Of course there is better privacy,…

What is Google+ ?

Want an Invite to the Google+ Project? If you want an invite to use Google+, share this post on Facebook…

A better way for pages to rank (How to improve Google)

Since the release of Google Panda, the company has been heavily criticised by a range of press regarding the quality…

Adwords Cost rises for US advertisers, drops for Australians

Since September last year, we have been monitoring the cost of Google Adwords for a range of keywords. You can…

A P*NIS in my search… another sign of Google decline?

This morning I was searching for some authority information on how to increase the size of the P elements in…

What is Google Panda? (AKA Farmer Update)

  Google changes its calculations of search rank all the time. Every minute (except for right now as you will…

Lessons from Article Directories – Panda Proof Content

We thought we would run through a quick list of what lessons we have learned from the latest Panda update…

Google Places – Be aware of the guidlines

We just thought we would share with you an amusing problem we just had with one of our client’s Google…

The Panda Fallout – Has Google Missed The Mark?

We have been sitting back and waiting to see what the fallout has been from the Google “Panda” update. At…

We told you so… AGAIN

We have to gloat when we get the chance, because lets face it, no one else will say out loud…